These Radioss Block Format models were developed by Altair, derived from LS-DYNA models originally developed by the NCAC, they are suitable for use for benchmarking HPC hardware performance and model scalability
Full Simulation time is 80 milliseconds.
Modify in engine input deck : NEON1M11_0001.rad :
0.08Faster Simulation time for machine testing
1M Element Neon (7z, 21MB) or (zip, 29MB)
Taurus 10 Million finite elements
Full simulation time is 120 milliseconds.
Modify in engine input deck : TAURUS_A05_FFB50_0001.rad :
0.12001Shorter simulation time of 10 milliseconds is suited for fast performance and scalability testing on a large number of nodes.
Modify in engine input deck : TAURUS_A05_FFB50_0001.rad :
0.01001Very short simulation time of 2 milliseconds is suited to test the cluster functions.
Modify in engine input deck : TAURUS_A05_FFB50_0001.rad :
10M Element Taurus (7z, 268 MB) or (zip, 314MB)