The following steps cover the simplest way to download, install and run OpenRadioss from pre-compiled binaries with scripts
to download the latest pre-compiled OpenRadioss binaries: (download to /home/user)
visit github in browser and download the binaries (links to github), or you can use ‘wget’ from a terminal window (substitute ‘latest-20230102’ for latest release date)
unzip the binaries
This will create a directory called ‘OpenRadioss’ containing the executables
The script below can be used to run a Radioss model (if OpenRadioss has been extracted into OpenRadioss directory in /home/user as described above)
copy the script to the folder with the radioss model to run and modify it to runnable using chmod 777
to use it, the syntax is ./ jobname_0000.rad n
where 'n' is the number of threads to run in SMP mode, the script sets all required environment variables and runs both the starter and engine for the model
The content of the script is shown below for reference:
export OPENRADIOSS_PATH=$HOME/OpenRadioss echo $OPENRADIOSS_PATH echo $HOME export RAD_CFG_PATH=$HOME/OpenRadioss/hm_cfg_files echo $RAD_CFG_PATH export RAD_H3D_PATH=$HOME/OpenRadioss/extlib/h3d/lib/linux64 echo $RAD_H3D_PATH export OMP_STACKSIZE=400m export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/OpenRadioss/extlib/hm_reader/linux64/:$HOME/OpenRadioss/extlib/h3d/lib/linux64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH echo "**Run Starter**" myjobname=$(echo "$1" | rev | cut -c10- | rev) echo $myjobname "running in OpenRadioss" $HOME/OpenRadioss/exec/starter_linux64_gf -i $myjobname"_0000.rad" -nt $2 echo "**Run Engine**" $HOME/OpenRadioss/exec/engine_linux64_gf -i $myjobname"_0001.rad" -nt $2 echo "Done" |
see also: Python/tk guis for job submission