Running OpenRadioss

How to run OpenRadioss

OpenRadioss is made of:

  • OpenRadioss Starter that checks the model and splits the mesh

  • OpenRadioss Engine that runs the simulation in parallel

  • Few libraries (links to github)

  • A set of configuration files (links to github) that describes the input

Running OpenRadioss

Download and build OpenRadioss (links to github), or download the binaries (links to github)

The detailed steps are below, but there are also simplified versions: Simplified Running OpenRadioss and Python/tk guis for running OpenRadioss

Environment variable

export OPENRADIOSS_PATH=[OpenRadioss Root directory] export RAD_CFG_PATH=$OPENRADIOSS_PATH/hm_cfg_files export OMP_STACKSIZE=400m

If you built OpenRadioss from the source

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OPENRADIOSS_PATH/extlib/hm_reader/linux64/:$OPENRADIOSS_PATH/extlib/h3d/lib/linux64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If you downloaded the binaries from here (github link)


Running OpenRadioss without MPI (OpenMP only)

  • Define number of OpenMP threads

    Run OpenRadioss Starter and Engine from the directory that contains the binaries

Running OpenRadioss with MPI+OpenMP

  • Set up environment variables, assuming that OpenMPI is installed in /opt/openmpi

  • Run OpenRadioss with P MPI process and N threads per domain from the directory that contains the binaries

Running OpenRadioss test suite from the source code

  • Set OpenRadioss Environment variables

  • Go to the qa_test/scripts directory

Running without MPI (OpenMP only)

Running with MPI (MPI+OpenMP)

  • Set up environment variables, assuming that OpenMPI is installed in /opt/openmpi

  • Run the test suite with P MPI processes, and N threads per MPI process