Pre and Post Processing for OpenRadioss
In order to build OpenRadioss models and view the results from them, a pre-processor and post-processor are normally required.
In the case of very simple models (e.g. single element tests) it is feasible to construct a model entirely in a text editor, but for more complex models, a graphical interface pre-processor will be required to generate mesh and set model parameters.
Reading results (animation and time history output from OpenRadioss) will require a graphical post processor.
OpenRadioss input may be defined in the Radioss native ‘Block Format’ or in LS-DYNA keyword format, any pre-processor capable of creating input for these formats may be used. Some examples are given below:
Open Source Options
For OpenRadioss Pre-Processing (meshing and model set up) the following open source tools are available:
For meshing, Gmsh (C. Geuzaine and J.-F. Remacle. Gmsh: a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 79(11), pp. 1309-1331, 2009) is an open source 3D finite element mesh generator with a built-in CAD engine. Enabling creation of geometry and meshing from common geometry formats. It can be run in Windows or Linux OS.
A Radioss Block export template, supporting truss, shell, brick (1st and 2nd order), Penta (1st Order), Tetra (1st and 2nd Order) meshes has been created and is available in 4.11.1 source code branch (or download '4.11.1’ executable), an LS-DYNA keyword format export template is also available.
Gmsh project at Gitlab (Radioss export template available in development version binary for Windows/Linux)
OpenRadioss Tensile Test Example Tutorial Using Gmsh
Commercially Available Options
Altair Hyperworks pre-processor (HyperMesh), supports geometry creation, meshing and model set up (Material and property assignment, boundary conditions etc.) for the Commercial version of Radioss Block Format. Since OpenRadioss uses the same block format HyperMesh also serves as a fully functional pre-processor for OpenRadioss.
OpenRadioss results are always written in Radioss native formats (Annn, and/or .h3d for graphical results, stress contours etc. And T01 for time history results), any post-processor capable of reading these results may be used. Some examples are given below:
Open Source Options
For OpenRadioss Post-Processing (reading results) the following open source tools are available:
ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application created by kitware ParaView users can quickly build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The data exploration can be done interactively in 3D or programmatically using ParaView’s batch processing capabilities.
In order to read OpenRadioss results, the animation (Annn) and timehistory (Txx) files have to be first converted to vtk (and csv respectively) format result files.
The converters are available via GitHub: OpenRadioss Converter Tools for Post Processing (vtk and csv)
Commercially Available Options
Altair Hyperworks post-processors (HyperView and HyperGraph), support reading the results (Annn, .h3d graphical results and T01 time history plots) for the Commercial version of Radioss. Since OpenRadioss uses the same output formats HyperView and HyperGraph also serve as a fully functional post-processors for OpenRadioss.
The ‘free’ (registration required) HyperView Player, can playback .h3d created in OpenRadioss but it will display only the animation states (no results contours)
Hyperview Player 2021 or Altair Connect Downloads Page