HPC Benchmark Models

HPC Benchmark Models

These Radioss Block Format models were developed by Altair, derived from LS-DYNA models originally developed by the NCAC, they are suitable for use for benchmarking HPC hardware performance and model scalability

1M Element Neon model

This model has 1 million finite elements. It is suitable for testing a low number of cluster nodes or a single compute server.

  • Full Simulation time is 80 milliseconds.
    Modify in engine input deck : NEON1M11_0001.rad :

  • Faster Simulation time for machine testing


1M Element Neon (7z, 21MB) or (zip, 29MB)


1M Element Neon
at 80ms

Taurus 10 Million finite elements

This benchmark has a refined mesh with 10 million finite elements.
It is suited for scalability testing on Clusters and large numbers of cores.

  • Full simulation time is 120 milliseconds.
    Modify in engine input deck : TAURUS_A05_FFB50_0001.rad :

  • Shorter simulation time of 10 milliseconds is suited for fast performance and scalability testing on a large number of nodes.
    Modify in engine input deck : TAURUS_A05_FFB50_0001.rad :

  • Very short simulation time of 2 milliseconds is suited to test the cluster functions.
    Modify in engine input deck : TAURUS_A05_FFB50_0001.rad :


10M Element Taurus (7z, 268 MB) or (zip, 314MB)

10M Element Taurus