INIVOL and Fluid Structure Interaction (Drop Container)

INIVOL and Fluid Structure Interaction (Drop Container)

Input Files

Model Files (1.6 MB)


The aim of this example is to introduce /INIVOL for initial volume fractions of different materials in multi-material ALE elements, /SURF/PLANE for infinite plane, and fluid structure interaction (FSI) with a Lagrange container.

Options and Keywords Used

Keyword documentation may be found in the reference guide available from

OpenRadioss User Documentation

  • Solid element (/BRICK)

  • Material law /MAT/LAW51 (MULTIMAT)

  • Material law /MAT/LAW6

  • Property (/PROP/TYPE14 (SOLID)) with ALE property formulation ‘Iale = 1’

  • Load (/INIVEL)

  • Define initial volume (/INIVOL)

  • Infinite surface plane (/SURF/PLANE)

  • Fluid structure contact (/INTER/TYPE18)

Model Description

A container partially filled with water is simulated being dropped from a height of 1 meter. The container is partially filled with water with the remainder filled with air.

Figure 1. Problem Description


A hex mesh is created that fully encloses the structural container. The mesh size of the hex mesh should be ½ the size of the structural mesh. Ideally the hex mesh should also be ¼ of the structural mesh size in the direction of impact. To simplify this example, the hex mesh in this model does not adhere to the ¼ mesh size guideline.

Boundary Conditions

Each outer side of the hex mesh is constrained to prevent displacement in the direction normal to the side. For example, the top and bottom of the hex mesh is constrained in the z translation DOF (Figure 2). The same is done for the other four sides. The velocity at impact of a drop from 1 meter would be 4429 mm/s. Since the simulation is started right before impact, an initial velocity of 4429 mm/s is applied to the container and the fluid hex mesh (Figure 2).