Cell Phone Drop Test .inp format

Input Files

Phone Drop Test Model (.inp format) (11.2MB)


A common application of explicit analysis is the simulation of drop tests for consumer electronics.

This example is of a simplified representation of a Cell Phone in .inp format input demonstrating the capability of the inp2rad script in OpenRadioss Tools





Options and Keywords Used

The input file is in .inp format, after conversion, the .rad file uses the following features:

Keyword documentation may be found in the reference guide available from

OpenRadioss User Documentation

  • 2nd Order Tetrahedral Elements (/TETRA10)

  • Initial velocity (/INIVEL) for drop velocity

  • Gravity load (/GRAV)

  • Tied Interfaces for components (/INTER/TYPE2)

Model Description

The simplified Cell Phone model is in .inp format


OpenRadioss is capable of converting/running models in .inp format via the inp2rad script