PaulAltair gui scripts

PaulAltair gui scripts

This page remains here, but suggest instead using the newer gui tools available here: Latest gui scripts



Contributed by github OpenRadioss contributor: PaulAltair

NEW VERSIONS AVAILABLE: (v2! 6th July 2023)

In order to facilitate easier working with OpenRadioss, some simple python/tk based guis (.exe versions available for windows) have been created for running jobs, converting anim files to vtk and converting T01 files to csv. The gui job submission tool sets all required environment variables, so it makes getting started with OpenRadioss much easier!

NEW for v2 (July 6th 2023): If multiple engine files are selected, they will be run sequentially, if only engine files are selected, a restart run can be performed, if only a starter is picked, only starter will run.

The zip files linked below contain scripts for windows and for linux (v2 versions here)

Windows gui Scripts zip download v2 (25MB)

Windows gui Scripts zip download (jobsub has additional mpi options) v2 (25MB)

Linux gui Scripts zip download v2 (4 KB)

Installation and Launch

For the windows versions, python is no longer a pre-requisite, the .exe versions of the guis may be used directly without a python installation, the python code is still included for information and .py script may still be used if python is installed

bash shell, and python with tk is a pre-requisite in linux (python/tk are only needed for windows if running the .py scripts instead of the .exes)

a Windows python installation should include tk by default, but not all linux distros necessarily do, e.g. lubuntu has it, but for ubuntu-mate following is needed

sudo apt-get install python3-tk

the script folder (win_scripts, win_scripts_selectmpi or linux_scripts) should be extracted to the installation folder of OpenRadioss (same level as exec, hm_cfg_files etc), the scripts work only from this directory level currently, it is allowed to have both win_scripts versions installed if required

In windows, the contents of the folder appear as below, the three ‘….Win.exe’ files are the gui tools, they should launch from explorer on double click (the '….Win.py' files are the python scripts and may be run instead if python is installed on machine)

In linux, the 3 ‘…Lin.py’ files are the guis,

in order to launch them, enter the linux_scripts folder in a terminal window open them with python3, e.g. :

python3 RunJobScriptLin.py

RunJob Scripts for Windows

The RunJobScriptWin.exe takes starter and engine files and a number of OMP/MPI processors as arguments, Dyna format input can be run by selecting Dyna file as ‘starter’ input and leaving engine file field empty, NEW for v2: If multiple engine files are selected, they will be run sequentially, if only engine files are selected, a restart run can be performed, if only a starter is picked, only starter will run.

‘Standard’ Windows submission gui (OMP threads only)

If the ‘mpiselect’ version is used, an additional option is given in the gui to select the ‘vars.bat’ filepath for intelmpi installation, the path can also be modified inside the .py file if desired to save having to browse to it every time, if the ‘MPI processes’ field is set to 1 or left blank, the gui will run OMP version instead

‘MPI Select’ Windows Job Submission gui (OMP and MPI)

RunJob Script for Linux

The linux version of the runjob script, also supports running mpi version if openmpi is installed and configured

OMP threads (nt) and MPI processes (np) can both be chosen, default is 1 and 1 (single processor OMP)

if the ‘MPI processes’ field is set to 1 or left blank, OMP version will be used

Linux Job Submission gui

Anim-vtk Script

The ANIM-vtkScript….py opens a file selection dialog that takes ‘Annn’ files as input and converts to vtk for post processing in ParaView

T01-csv Script

The T01-csvScript….py opens a file selection dialog that takes ‘T0n’ files as input and converts to csv for post processing in ParaView


Known Limitations

Only a single engine file is supported v2 allows multiple engine files, or only engine files (restarts)

Filepaths for selected files may not include spaces in Linux (ok in Windows)

If Filepath has spaces in windows for the converter scripts, they run twice!


See also:

Latest gui scripts

hotaosa gui script