Latest gui scripts
NOTE: As of the 26th September 2024, The latest job submission gui and documentation for it is now available from the OpenRadioss Tools repository on github, the script itself is now in python and platform agnostic, you may download and make further contributions there, instructions below are a copy of the README from the tools repository.
OpenRadioss GUI
OpenRadioss GUI is a graphical launcher for OpenRadioss on Linux and Windows.
It is a simple Python/tk based tool to execute OpenRadioss, queue jobs and convert OpenRadioss output files to csv, vtk, d3plot at the end of the run
The D3plot converter can be found at: Vortex-CAE GitHub repository
Python3 must be installed on the system.
On Windows, install Python from Download Python
On Linux, install python from your OS Repository.
On RedHat, CentOS, Rocky Linux
dnf install python3
On Debian, Ubuntu
apt-get install python3
Get latest OpenRadioss Release
Copy the openradioss_gui folder into an OpenRadioss Release Download (same level as exec, hm_cfg_files etc.)
Launch the OpenRadioss_gui.vbs on Windows
Launch the on Linux
Launch a job
Select the Starter input Deck in .rad or .k format
Click the folder Icon, a browser will appear
Browse to the Input deck Directory
Select Starter input Deck / Click on Open
Enter the number of thread for the job in the -nt field
Enter the number of MPI Domains for the job in the -np field
Click "Add Job" Run Window apprears.
Single Precision button enables the OpenRadioss single precision version
Run Starter Only button executes Starter only.
Anim - vtk button invokes the Animation to VTK converter at the end of OpenRadioss Engine simulation.
TH - csv button invokes the TH to CSV converter at the end of OpenRadioss Engine simulation.
Show Queue and Clear Queue buttons manage the run queue.
The info menu has links to the downloads section of github and an ‘About’ credit to the script creators
In Windows version only: On first attempt to submit an mpi run (-np > 1) you will be prompted to locate a suitable vars.bat file on your machine, once selected, this is remembered (to reset, delete the created ‘path_to_mpi_vars.txt’ file from the install directory, or edit its contents)
*D3plot button appears only if Vortex-CAE D3plot converter is detected.
The Run Window
The Run Windows has the OpenRadioss output.
Several buttons permits actions during job execution
Stop: stops the job cleanly writing restart (.rst) file(s)
Kill: kills the job (no restarts written)
Anim: writes an Anim file at the current cycle
h3d: writes/updates the h3d file at the current cycle
d3plot: converts any Anim files present in the run folder to d3plot (always converts all anim files present)
Close: becomes available when job is completed, and closes the run window
The Queue manager
it is possible to submit further jobs from the submission gui after the first and they will be queued for running when the currently running job completes, the queue can be checked and edited, by clicking the ‘Show Queue’ button in the submission gui.
The Job Queue shows jobs queued along with the options chosen, with the buttons in the window it is possible to cancel the next or last job from the queue, or to manually start the next or last job from the queue (this happens in addition to the queue being processed, jobs will open another run window and run at same time as any running job, queue will continue to automatically run any remaining jobs only when 1st one finishes)
Below is the archive of the old tool development on confluence, links to download there are now disabled: